...A new brand of Cuban cigars which was introduced only in 1968, Cohiba quickly became the flagship brand of the Cuban cigar industry. Developed initially as a medium bodied protocol cigar for presentation only by officials of the Cuban government, Cohiba was marketed widely beginning in 1982. The initial sizes were the Lancero, the Corona Especiale and the Panetela, with the Esplendido, Robusto and Exquisito added in 1989. In 1992, in salute to the 500th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of the Caribbean, the Siglo series was introduced. It was created in 1966 for President Fidel Castro himself and was made at the then top secret but now world famous El Laguito factory. At first, it was only seen outside Cuba as gifts for heads of state and visiting diplomats. Since 1982 Cohiba has been available in limited quantities to the open market. The name is an ancient Taino Indian word for the bunches of tobacco leaves that Columbus first saw being smoked by the original inhabitants of Cuba — the earliest known form of the cigar. The leaves for Cohiba are the “selection of the selection” from the five finest Vegas Finas de Primera in the San Juan y Martinez and San Luis zones of the Vuelta Abajo region. Uniquely amongst Habanos two of Cohiba’s filler leaves, the seco and ligero, undergo a third fermentation in barrels, which adds smoothness to the blend. There are two distinct Lineas (Lines) of Cohiba: the medium to full flavoured Linea Clasica introduced between 1966 and 1989; and the medium flavoured Linea 1492 brought out in 1992 to mark the 500th Anniversary of Columbus’s epic voyage of discovery. Ten years later in 2002, a new size, the Siglo VI, was added to the Linea 1492.
Further Information about this fine Cuban Cigar
Cuban Cigar Review Cohiba Siglo VI 6 x 52 robusto extra reviewed by Cameron M Cohiba Siglo VI- This cigar is the true king of the Siglo series. In my opinion this is one of the best regular production cigars you can buy. Smoking this cigar was a truly sublime experience. I paired the Siglo VI with a Glenfarclas 17 year old single malt. The cigar I chose had a very light wrapper perhaps a 1/6. I immediately had flavors of rich deep cream with undertones of vanilla with a note of light cedar infused with cocoa and caramel. This cigar was a treat for the senses. My overall rating for this cigar is 93/100 CA Magazine's most recent rating was a 93/100 CM 2012