This brand of Cuban cigars is named for it's founder, Don Jaime Partagas, who began manufacturing cigars in 1827. Partagas cigars won gold medals in at least three international expositions between 1867 and 1884. There is no doubt about the strong, intense flavour of this line and this Cuban cigars is still produced in the Partagas factory. The range is immense and it would be hard for a smoker not to find a Partagas which fits his or her interest in size or shape. If there is one particularly famous cigar factory in Havana, it is Partagas. You can find it at No. 520 Industria Street, just behind the Capitol building, in the heart of the city. The factory was opened in 1845 by Don Jaime Partagas and it has been making the cigars that bear his name ever since. A Partagas is immediately recognisable by its deep, earthy flavour. The character of its blend springs from a selection of tobaccos from the Vuelta Abajo region chosen for their unmistakable richness of flavour and aroma. Partagas come in a wide array of shapes and sizes. The best known are the Serie D No. 4, the Lusitania and the 8-9-8, a cigar that is named after the way it is arranged in its box. In 2005, it was launched a new vitola in the brand, which came to enlarge the Partagás Line Series: Serie P No.2. This vitola quickly has become in a preference Habano among the faithful admirers of the brand, characterized by its character and strength. Since then they have also released the E2 rubosto extra and the smaller D5 petit robusto. More infomation about this Cuban cigar Partagas is a very expressive line of Cuban cigars. Many say smoking the Serie D No 4 robusto is akin to having a double espresso with a hint of cream in it. They also refer to the P 2 pyramid as the double espresso, hold the cream. The Lusitania, due to its size, is considered teh Latte of the group. Notice all have that deep roast coffee reference. The Partagas Cuban cigars are a MUST for any well stocked humidor. |